Drop-In to Our Virtual ECK Soul Adventure Chat Rooms!
Explore the many benefits of the ECK Teachings. Find inner guidance and gain spiritual freedom.
Drop-In to Our Virtual ECK Soul Adventure Chat Rooms!
Guest Chat (for those new to the Eckankar teaching or for anyone who has been a member of Eckankar for 2 years or less)
This event was designed specifically for you to discuss the many benefits of the ECK Teachings. You can also bring your questions or simply explore the wonderful world of ECK!
Diálogos en Español que pueden ser personalizados o en grupos
Drop in anytime between 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Just pick which chat room (one-on-one or group chat) to join and for how long. You can join in the discussion or simply listen!
So what will we chat about?
You tell us!
Past Lives—Karma and Reincarnation
- Live a karmaless life and bypass reincarnation
- Remember and interpret your dreams
Soul Travel
- What is it? Why is it important?
Spiritual Freedom
- Achieve spiritual freedom in this lifetime!
- What’s the difference – Prayer, Meditation, and Contemplation? How can they help you in your everyday life?
Problem Solving
- Discover the root cause of your problems
Conquering Fear
- Conquer your fear and live a life full of love!
Health and Healing
- Where does healing come from?
Inner Guidance
- Separating what is divine guidance and what is your mind
Life After death
- Is there really life after death? If so, how can I prove it to myself?
- Resolving issues with your friends and family!
ECK Masters and the Inner Planes
- Who is The Living ECK Master? The ECK Masters? Are They Guardian Angels? What are the inner planes?
Check out the “Easy Way Discourse”
- Advanced Spiritual Living Courses – a study of the ECK teachings. This Discourse can help you handle the ups and downs of life smoothly and see God’s Hand in your life’s challenges, and to truly help you unfold spiritually.
Spiritual Exercises of ECK
- Experience God’s love here and now with the Spiritual Exercises of ECK.
During the event, you will also have the opportunity to experience a very special spiritual exercise—singing HU (pronounced Hugh)—to help you open your heart to God’s love and guidance. HU is an ancient mantra that anyone can sing regardless of beliefs, age, or religion.
Curious? Join us and find out more.
This information chat room is open to the public. Feel free to invite your friends.
Eckankar welcomes people of all faiths and walks of life. You are free to take part or listen quietly.
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After you register, you will receive an automated confirmation email with information about the event, the direct Zoom link, and the different ways you can attend, including by phone.
We look forward to seeing you!